Do You Really Need to Test Your Site to Improve Your Conversion Rate?
Your conversion rates are not on anticipated lines. You have implemented modifications on the website and changed the landing pages, yet the results haven’t been encouraging. What went wrong ?
Your choice is not universal :
What appeals to you personally may not appeal to the customers. Customers are not clued into landing pages or site designs. To conclude that everyone will think the way you do is not advisable. Each visitor/customer to the site is unique and capricious.
Experts may go wrong :
Experts are also fallible. What generally works may not be the right option for your company. Well researched recommendations, backed by success stories are no reasons to skip the actual testing.
New need not translate to improved :
Not every change is for the better. Redesigning is fine, but to assume that the latest version is necessarily better is risky. Acknowledging only the possibility that the change is an improvement and proceeding without testing may result in a setback instead.
Intuition :
Gut feeling is fine, but hard data is better. Often, human nature tends to ignore information which doesn’t fit our preconceived ideas. Any ‘feeling’ unsubstantiated by data will lead to pitfalls.
Knowledge and awareness :
It is good to have knowledge of what a great website should be like or a sense of what is a successful page. Just not good enough to ignore testing.
In conclusion, there is no substitute for testing, which does away with assumptions in site optimization. Site optimization, reinforced by data is the way to go.
At Creative we offer you complete solutions to optimize and test your site.