5 Techniques to Help You Truly Understand Your Customers

5 Techniques to Help You Truly Understand Your Customers

For a successful business, customer satisfaction and delight are of utmost importance. And the key to this is an understanding of the customer. Today we look at ways and means of gathering an understanding of the customer

Analytical Collations :

Feedbacks, surveys, emails, phone calls – interaction with the customer, including by way of real time engagement, is a must today for any business. These analytical collations provide insights and patterns for further course of action.

Draw blue print for future :

Have a strategy in place for future. Data mining software aid in spotting patterns and cycles. Statistics identify top sellers and low performers, stimulating corrective actions. Historical data, market surveys, comparative analysis enable better comprehension of current position and action proposed. Tools such as RapidMiner can be used to design future plans.
Analyse the interaction of the visitors to your site. Which page holds interest, what do they like on a page, is a particular page a deterrent, is the site easily navigable – every action will have a story to tell. Use the behavioural data to build and enhance customer experience.

Avoid generalisations :

Avoid generic data points such as gender, age, income for building customer profiles, focus on specifics. Effective use of tools such as Acquisitions tab on Google Analytics will enable a more appropriate response tailored for the target audience.

Be the customer :

Visualize the buying from a customer’s view point. Identify the touch points – the interactions before, during and after the purchase. This will assist in acquiring a knowledge of why certain sales fall through and at which stage. Formulate remedial action on that basis.
With technological advances and available tools, getting an insight into the customer psyche is becoming simpler. Creative offers a complete platform for aiding your marketing. Drop by. You will not be disappointed.



